The Universal Beauty

Aqualix (intralipotherapy)

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Aqualyx is the world standard in the correction of local fat deposits. Intralipotherapy with Aqualix is the latest technology for the correction of fatty deposits in a non-surgical way. The method does not lead to a loss of total body weight but works exclusively in those areas where the drug is injected. Currently, Aqualyx is the only injectable product capable of selectively and gradually reducing the volume of local fat deposits without damaging the surface layers of the dermis and muscle tissue. Find aqualyx for sale to know the price.

About the procedure

Intralipotherapy Aqualyx (Aqualix) can solve the following problems:

  • eliminate the second chin;
  • reduce and align the surface of the thighs, breeches;
  • remove the rollers on the stomach and back, buttocks;
  • reduce the inner surface of the hands;
  • eliminate the withers.

Aqualix is ideal for those areas that require volume reduction but are difficult to correct with sports loads, massages, and diets.

The procedure is absolutely safe and physiological, as it corresponds to the natural processes of the body. Introduced into problem areas of the body, Aqualyx accelerates the life cycle of fat cells and activates the lymphatic system. Thus, the number of fat cells is immediately reduced and the fat is excreted from the body through the lymphatic channels.

The effect of intralipotherapy will persist for a long period of time, if after the procedure you lead an active lifestyle, do not abuse fatty, hard-to-digest food.

Combines with procedures: classical lipomassage, endome-drainage, lymphatic drainage massage, RF-lipolysis.

Benefits of the drug:

  • safe;
  • non-toxic;
  • controlled exposure.

Indications for the procedure

Correction of local fat deposits in the area: abdomen, arms, legs, back, shoulder girdle.

How does the procedure go

Before the procedure, you will be consulted by our doctor to determine the indications and contraindications for this procedure. After identifying areas with local fat deposits and highlighting them with a marker, the doctor proceeds to the procedure. Immediately before the injections, the doctor will treat the skin with an antiseptic solution. He may also apply an anesthetic cream to the treated area for your comfort. The procedure itself is safe and practically painless: our qualified specialists use ultra-thin needles for injections.


Immediately after the injections, the skin may turn red, and swelling may appear in the puncture sites. If you have very sensitive skin, small bruises may appear. Normally, these symptoms disappear within two days.


  • Acute or chronic skin pathology in / or around the injection site.
  • Chronic somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation, autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypersensitivity to components.
  • Age under 18.

Benefits of Aqualix

This drug is registered in Europe and in Russia, has the European quality certificate CE and the registration certificate. Also, you can order fillers online. In addition, there are several factors that make Aqualix a truly competitive lipolytic:

  • non-toxicity – affects only the injection site, does not affect the body as a whole;
  • safety – sodium deoxycholate is regularly produced by the liver, so Aqualix is biocompatible with the human body;
  • the gel-like structure eliminates side effects, as it allows the beautician to more accurately and more evenly distribute the drug;
  • the injection technique involves fewer injections (2-8) than with conventional mesotherapy.